Types of Performance Assessments

The Types of performance assessments available are as follows:

  • Session examination: Takes place during the examination session, is planned by the Examination Office at the Academic Services, may be written and/or oral, must be registered for by students via myStudies, is always graded.
  • End-of-semester examination: Takes place at the end of the semester or in the first weeks of the semester vacation, is planned by the departments, must be registered for by students via myStudies, is always graded, can be repeated by students at the start of the next semester, provided this is stated to be possible, and students register for it again.
  • Graded semester performance: Takes place during the semester or the semester vacation (e.g. Master thesis), does not have to be registered for by students, but they do have to enrol for the course unit, is always graded.
  • Ungraded semester performance: Takes place during the semester or the semester vacation (e.g. talk), does not have to be registered for by students, but they do have to enrol for the course unit, is always ungraded (passed, not passed).

If there is no performance assessment, please report this to the persons responsible in the department. Only they can enter this accordingly. If there is no performance assessment, no ECTS credits are awarded.

Performance assessments which form part of an examination block or a 2-semester course must be session examinations. In these cases the type of performance assessment cannot be changed.

Repetition requires re-enrolment:

  • Session examinations:
    • Yes: The performance assessment can only take part in the examination session following the course unit i.e. normally just once a year. This should be chosen if a re-enrolment of the course unit is necessary for the repetition.
    • No: The performance assessment can take place in every examination session (normal case).
  • other performance assessment types
    • Yes: There is just one date offered for the performance assessment, for end-of-semester examinations at the end of the semester the course unit is held. It is therefore necessary to re-enrol the course unit for a repetition.
    • No: A date to repeate the performance assessment in the same semester is offererd. This date is ONLY offered for students that REPEAT the exam.

Language of the performance assessment:

  • The language of the performance assessment must always be made clear.
  • If a performance assessment can also be completed in another language, please enter this fact in the additional information about the mode of examination.

Conditions of admission:

  • Here you can define any special conditions of admission for the performance assessment (e.g. successful completion of another course unit).

For all types of performance assessment:

  • Additional information: For non-session examinations, for example, the mode, duration, aids or additional permitted examination languages
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