Services for SMEs

Are you a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) and looking for research partners?

ETH Zurich has many successful projects with SMEs and is open to new partnerships.  

Recent projects in cooperation with SMEs

person conecting car to power outlet - link to article

The fast-growing electromobility sector needs efficient power solutions. In the European funded project Power2Power, ETH Zurich and Brusa HyPower use improved semiconductors to design onboard chargers for electric vehicles. Video

Appenzeller Bahnen train - link to article

The dangerous Laseyer windstorm often forces the railway company Appenzeller Bahnen to switch to bus services upon the slightest signs of a storm. In cooperation with ETH Zurich and MeteoSchweiz, a new warning algorithm has been developed which, thanks to machine learning, enables forecasts even for small, narrow valleys. Video

link to news article

SACAC, a manufacturer of concrete pillars, aims to apply digital fabrication methods to reduce production times and increase flexibility. Their collaboration with ETH Zurich delivered remarkable results. Video

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