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ETH Zürich: Overview and News

Studying at ETH

Beginning your studies

Have a lot of questions? Here you can find information to help you get started with your ETH degree studies.

For students

The Student portal provides you with access to the most important information you will need during your studies.

Did you know?

Exhibition about technology in space

"Technology at a glance: From Earth to Space" shows technologies for exploring the Earth and other planets.

Institutional positioning

ETH Zurich's position on geopolitical conflicts and support services for ETH members from crisis regions.

Conducting research at ETH

Find a doctoral position

ETH Zurich mainly offers individual doctorates. All professors recruit their doctoral students themselves.

Center for Sustainable Future Mobility

Interdisciplinary research and collaboration to achieve low emissions, safe, inclusive and efficient transport systems.

Knowledge transfer to society

Entry point for industry & knowledge transfer

Reach out to us to find out more about:

Shaping space exploration

Find out how ETH Zurich | Space promotes space exploration projects and trains the next generation of space experts.

Eco-friendly and "fast" concrete

Concrete with less CO2-emissions and fast setting? ETH Spin-off Calspak has developed it.

Working at ETH

As the place where the future begins ETH Zurich offer its 12,000 staff and 200 apprentices an interesting and visionary place to work, not to mention cultural diversity and attractive working conditions.

Experiencing ETH

Situated in the heart of Europe, yet forging con­nec­tions all over the world, ETH Zurich is pioneering solutions to the global challenges of today and tomorrow. It has more than 20,000 students from over 120 different countries.

Other news from the ETH universe

Mixing materials to minimize environmental impact

Less is more – Daniel Schoess wins EHI/GS1 award

"Taking a position on geopolitical matters is more likely to hinder ETH Zurich’s mission than to support it."