Salary determination and salary increments

ETH Zurich has a salary system that is designed not only for determining salaries but also to serve as a comprehensive management tool. The motivational exchange of views between employees and managers, and the associated culture of constructive feedback, are very important to us.

Salary determination

HR Consulting is responsible for determining salaries. A salary is set on the basis of the job description, experience and cross-comparisons with similar positions within ETH Zurich and on the jobs market. The line managers’ HR Partner are their points of contact on all matters to do with setting salaries.

On the basis of the job description, every job is assigned to one of 15 function levels. The nature of the work and the job description determine the type of salary (salary band, fixed-term or all-in contracts or hourly wage) and the level of salary, see Employment and salary.

In the case of classification in salary bands, there is a minimum and a maximum salary for every function level. The width of the salary band depends on years of experience. 

Salary increments

The options for salary increments depend on the post and the type of salary. Jobs with fixed-term or all-in contracts or hourly wages do not form part of the performance-based salary system.


Employees in Administration, Technical Support, IT or laboratories

Established Researchers

Scientific Collaborators

Senior Scientists

Project employees in a salary band

Appraisal interviews are held every year in autumn. The objectives that were set for the current year are examined, discussed and individually assessed. This results in an individual performance assessment.

The individual salary increment depends on the years of experience, the performance, the position in the salary band and the available funds. Each year, the ETH Board, in consultation with its social partners, determines the funds that are available for salary increments. Within ETH Zurich, these are assigned by the Executive Board to the individual salary round units in the departments, Executive Board and Infrastructure Domains.

Doctoral students and postdocs

Assistants I and II

Fixed salaries increase automatically by the annually defined amount. Increases for inflation depend on a decision by the ETH Board, made in the course of periodic reviews of general changes to the salary scale.

Project employees on all-in contracts

Lump sum salaries have to be actively adjusted. They are increased if project funds permit.

Teaching Assistants

Employees in a support role who are paid an hourly wage

Hourly wages have to be actively adjusted. They are increased if project funds permit. The Executive Board sets the minimum rates for assistants each year.

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