Collegial Coaching in Groups
Collegial coaching in groups is a method that enables you to tackle everyday challenges that you face at work with peers, who are open and eager to discuss issues that confront you.
Do you have a challenge, for which you would like to find a solution? Would you like to try out this coaching method with peers at ETH?
How does coaching in groups work?
Take a look at the video and guides below to help you get started with collegial coaching in groups.
«Typical» concerns and limitations of the method
- Difficult situations that arise and cause concern when dealing with issues, processes and teams in everyday work.
- Project-, time management-, leadership issues, …
- For procrastination, for «going round in circles» feelings, for (personal) crossroads: Where should the journey go, what could be the next steps …
- Complex interpersonal problems can only be tackled in an absolutely confidential circle.
- Conflicts cannot be dealt with using this method with the same people involved in the issue.
- The collegial coaches should not be "affected by the problem" / too close to it, therefore e.g. (personnel) leadership issues cannot be dealt with team members.