Collegial coaching programmes

ETH Zurich is committed to fostering a culture in which collegial coaching supports a positive working environment, based on solution-focused dialogue amongst peers. The university has launched a number initiatives, including a guide to group coaching as well as two courses, aimed at introducing employees to the use of collegial coaching.

Whether you try to help a peer in a 1:1 setting, or you gather with several peers to discuss a common challenge amongst colleagues, applying a coaching mindset to everyday working situations can benefit all employees. No matter if you are postdoc, administrator, senior scientist, team leader, professor or doctorate student, we encourage different groups within our our community to explore one or more forms of collegial coaching.

Modules for 1:1 collegial coaching  

Introduction to collegial coaching - Basic

  • will be open to all employees (for research and technical/ administrative staff)
  • offered online via zoom
  • starts with a 3h intro workshop
  • followed by 4 modules (each ca. 2h), which can be completed on your own
  • ends with a final 2h workshop with all participants

Collegial coaching - Practitioner day

  • 1 full day workshop
  • "Learning by doing" approach
  • Use the collegial coaching model with confidence
  • Take part in inspiring conversations with new colleagues
  • For former "Introduction to collegial coaching - basic" participants

Guidance for collegial coaching in groups


Collegial coaching in groups

ETH supports peers from across the university to engage in collegial coaching groups. Please refer to the introductory video and hand-outs explaining how you can use this method in a group of your peers. 

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