ChemDraw Advanved

1 hrs
  • 06.03.2023, 18:15 - 19:15
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg
  • Betschart, Leo
Free of charge
HCI G 2, Vladimir-​Prelog-Weg 1-5 / 10, 8093 Zürich
For students
ChemDraw is a molecular drawing program, essential for students and researchers of chemistry and life sciences. With ChemDraw, drawing molecular structures as well as reaction schemes from small molecules to biomolecules can be done very quickly and efficiently for lab reports, presentations, posters, and publications.
This hands-on tutorial will provide you with basic as well as advanced drawing skills using ChemDraw. You will be able to draw molecules, reactions and even complex biomolecules much faster than by hand. Also, you’ll learn how to export drawn molecules and schemes in the best quality for usage in print or digital.

• Style sheets

• Templates

• Nicknames

• FASTA peptides

• Polymers

• generic structures

• 3D visualizations

• Stoichiometry table

Basic knowledge of ChemDraw (level of Course ChemDraw Beginner) is expected: Atoms, bonds, shortcuts, name-to-structures, selection tools, move, copy, align, rotating molecules, the green dot.

ChemDraw is available for Windows and Mac. Please have your laptop ready (and preferably mouse) with the latest ChemDraw 22.0 installed.

To download ChemDraw go through the following steps:

Go to

• Search “ETH Zurich”

• Choose “Mnova ChemDraw Edition” (1st option).

• Use your top-level ETH mail address: (otherwise there might be errors) and follow the instructions.

The activation code can be found under "List Entitlements". Look in the column "Product_Activation" until you find a code of the form XXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX.

If you encounter issues while installing the software, please get in touch BEFORE the course. There will be no time for troubleshooting software installation issues.

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