Smart Working Days - Basis Modul (German)

SWD Basis-007
1 day
  • 15.06.2022, 08:45 - 17:00
End of registration period: 08.06.2022
CHF 280.-
OCT E34, Binzmühlestrasse 130, Zürich-Oerlikon
This course is designed for all ETH employees who want to work with Microsoft 365 and Teams in the future, exchange information and gain an insight into the topic of collaboration.
  • Introduction to Microsoft 365 / Teams
  • Basic functions and elements of the Teams application
  • Communication (chat and online meetings) and collaboration (creating and managing teams)
  • Overview of additional M365-apps that help you to simplify and manage your daily work
  • ETH specific configurations
You have a basic knowledge of computers, know the Office applications (Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Outlook) and you are familiar with the use of Internet browsers. In addition, you have already carried out the so-called cloud subscription in the IT shop and the Teams app is installed

The course is conducted by a trainer from Digicomp Academy.

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