Archive internal news

All stories that have been tagged with rETHink

“Leadership Feedback Process” test run successfully completed

  • Institutional
  • Internal news

Has the culture of discussion at ETH improved

  • life
  • Campus
  • Internal news

rETHink: implementation is now really getting under way

Openness, responsibility, inclusion, respect, empowerment, ingenuity


“Open to change, where it makes sense”

  • Institutional
  • Internal news

“Digitalisation should help the ETH Zurich administration accommodate the university’s growth.”

  • Institutional
  • Digital Transformation Committee
  • Internal news

“rETHink is going to increasingly make itself felt in everyday life at ETH”

Internal news

Research – Excellence + Culture = Open-minded

rETHink Blog

“Leadership in academia requires particular skills.”

Internal news

“We view shortcomings in the spirit of mutual understanding”

Internal news

How ETH Zurich is discussing culture

Internal news

rETHink: First steps towards implementation

Internal news

Structural developments at ETH Zurich

“The conversation about culture and values is open to all”

rETHink: Townhall at the end of the analysis phase

Internal news

“rETHink has grown into a project for the entire university”

Internal news

The importance of learning about each other

rETHink Blog

Off to a promising start: the new Office of Personnel Development and Leadership

Internal news

Expectation and reality

Internal news

Making professorships fit for the future

  • rETHink Blog
  • Internal news

These values matter to me! Join in our survey to help us take our pulse

rETHink Blog

Taking our pulse: what are our shared values?

rETHink Blog

Boosting team spirit and diversity at ETH: a concrete vision

rETHink Blog

Getting through the crisis with agility and perseverance: Lessons from the lockdown

rETHink Blog

“We mustn’t stop in our tracks”

Internal news

rETHinking our culture and values

Internal news

«rETHink gives us the chance to learn lessons from the crisis»

rETHink is taking shape

The Executive Board reports

“Making ETH fit for the future”

The Executive Board reports

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