What to do when faced with campus violence

What provisions has ETH Zurich made to prevent and respond to potential crises? SSHE and the Zurich City Police will inform ETH staff about this issue on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Enlarged view: ETH HG
Thousands work and study here: ETH Zurich's main building. (Photo: Esther Ramseier/ETH Zurich)

ETH Zurich today is almost a city unto itself: but far from being an ivory tower, our university’s size, diversity and openness give rise to the same challenges faced by any city, among them the issue of violence. Fortunately we have not experienced any incidents in recent years, but the false alarm at a building belonging to the Zurich University for the Arts (ZHdK) in December drove home the fact that violence on campus is a real risk. Perhaps this event prompted you to consider what you ought to do in such a situation. You may also be wondering about police procedures, or what provisions ETH Zurich has made to prevent and respond to potential crises.

We have organised two information events to answer these and any other questions you may have. Erwin Brühlmann, a member of the Zurich City Police Prevention Commission, will give a talk covering the most important points, together with experts from the ETH Safety, Security, Health and Environment (SSHE) staff unit. The talk will be given in German but we offer a simultaneous translation in the centre (Audi Max). We will be happy to answer questions in German as well as English in both locations.


  • Zentrum/Centre: Tuesday, 5 May 2015 from 11.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m., HG F 30 (Audi Max/simultaneous translation)
  • Hönggerberg: Wednesday, 6 May 2015 from 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m., HPH G 2

Registration is not required for this event. A video of the event and a copy of the presentation (slides are also provided in English) will be available in mid-May on the SSHE website.

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