Who has the best leader at ETH?

For 13 years now, ETH Zurich has been awarding prizes to exemplary leaders. ETH members can nominate their leader for this year's ALEA Award until 16 October.

ALEA Award

A good management style is characterized by the fact that it allows employees to feel comfortable, to make full use of their potential and to develop in the best possible way. This includes, for example, superiors enabling their employees to combine childcare or care for relatives as well as avocational commitment with employment at the ETH. Equally important is the creation of a working environment characterized by respect, trust and dialogue. In addition, supervisors should actively support the career development and continuing education opportunities of employees - even after returning from parental leave or when the workload is reduced.

In order to promote such a leadership culture at ETH Zurich, the scientific staff association AVETH, together with the Equal Opportunities Office and HR, has been awarding prizes to superiors who enable modern and innovative working conditions.

You can submit your nominations for this year's ALEA Award until 16 October online. AVETH, HR and Equal representatives are part of an expert jury selecting this year's awardees. Finalists will be announced in November, followed by the award in December.

Further information can be found on the ALEA Award page. 

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