Testing the information and alert system for emergency

Fortunately there have never been any serious acts of violence at ETH Zurich. If the unthinkable does happen, however, then an alert system will inform members of the ETH community. The information and alert system will be tested on Wednesday, 23 June 2021.

Polyterasse at ETH Zurich
Regularly testing the alert system should help the ETH community feel safer. (Image: ETH Zurich / Gian Marco Castelberg)

If there is ever a serious act of violence on campus, ETH Zurich will inform students and staff via the information and alerting tool (IAT). The IAT sends out messages via e-mail, landline phones and mobile phones (SMS). In order to receive an SMS alert from the system, your current mobile phone number needs to be on file at www.adressen.ethz.ch.  “We ask everyone at ETH Zurich to please enter their mobile phone number into the system. Being reachable in an emergency is essential,” says Adrian Meier, who heads up the security team in the Safety, Security, Health and Environment Department.

Testing day: 23 June

In order to ensure that the alert system works properly, the security team at ETH will be conducting a large-scale test on Wednesday, 23 June 2021. The IAT will send all students and staff e-mail and SMS alerts. To receive SMS alerts, ETH members need to make sure that their mobile number is on file. The e-mail and SMS alerts will invite everyone to answer a few online questions about the test – for instance, how and when they were contacted by IAT.

The Safety, Security, Health and Environment Department (SSHE) would be grateful for everyone's participation. By conducting periodic tests, SSHE aims to ensure that the alert system is reliable in an emergency situation.

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