Dr. Rolf Frischknecht

Dr.  Rolf Frischknecht

Dr. Rolf Frischknecht

Lecturer at the Department of Environmental Systems Science

treeze Ltd.

Kanzleistrasse 4

8610 Uster


Additional information

Research area

Dr. Rolf Frischknecht is specialized in environmental life cycle assessment and its application in product development, environmental management of companies and organizations, policy making, training and research. His main activities cover the design, development, and operation of life cycle inventory databases, as well as methodology development and consensus findingin the areas of life cycle inventory analysis and life cycle impact assessment.

The main areas of assessment are energy supply, buildings, mobility, information and communication technologies as well as food and agriculture.

1. Education

1994-1998         Ph.D.-thesis on Life Cycle Inventory methodology

1988-1989         Post‑graduate studies on energy and environment, Ingenieurschule (now University of Applied Sciences) beider Basel, Muttenz, Switzerland

1.1986              Diploma in civil engineering ETH Zürich, diploma thesis on wood construction, PD Dr. E. Gehri.

1981-1985/86    Studies at ETH Zürich, Civil Engineering Faculty, with emphasis on structural and hydraulic engineering


2. Employment history including current positions

2012 - today       Founder, owner and managing director of treeze Ltd., one of the leading private LCA consulting companies in Europe

2000 – today      lecturer at ETH Zürich, bachelor and master courses on LCA

1998-2012          Founder, owner and managing director of ESU-services Ltd.

1994-1998          PhD student on LCA at the Energy Technology Department, ETH Zürich, Prof. Dr. P. Suter, Mechanical Engineering Faculty.

1990-1994          Research assistant on LCA at the Energy Technology Department, ETH Zürich, Prof. Dr. P. Suter, Mechanical Engineering Faculty.

1989-1990          Consultancies in energy management of buildings.

1986-1988          Project leader at the structural engineering office H. Schaub, Basel-Stadt, Switzerland

                         Statics, assessments on physical problems of buildings.


3. Institutional responsibilities

2012 – today      Executive manager of the platform of life cycle assessment data in the construction sector

1998 - 2008        Executive manager of the ecoinvent Centre, the Centre for Life Cycle Inventories



Year Distinction
2020 EDANA Award for Lifetime Achievement in Life Cycle Assessment
2006 Best methodological contribution at the LCA/LCM conference, 2006, Washington D.C.
1994 ABB award "energy technology
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