Prof. em. Dr. Hans-Rudolf Schalcher

Prof. em. Dr.  Hans-Rudolf Schalcher

Prof. em. Dr. Hans-Rudolf Schalcher

Professor Emeritus at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering

Additional information

Hansruedi Schalcher has been Full Professor of Planning and Management at the Institute for Planning and Construction Management of the ETH Zurich since October 1990. His main areas of teaching and research are: systems engineering, project and corporate management, real estate and facility management, risk and quality management and sustainable construction. From 1999 to 2005 Hansruedi Schalcher was Dean of the Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering Department of the ETH Zurich and from 1993 to 2006 he was President of the Center for Integrated Planning in Construction of the ETH Zurich (ZIPBau).

Currently, Hansruedi Schalcher is working on national and international research projects in the fields of stakeholder management in infrastructure and urban development projects, integrated controlling of large constructions, risk analysis in real estate based on discrete simulation of results, innovative cooperation and financing models for the restoration of buildings in addition to the sustainable development of urban locations.

Having studied at the Department of Civil Engineering from 1963 to 1968, Hansruedi Schalcher worked as a civil engineer in the firm of Basler &Hofmann in Zurich for four years before returning to the ETH as a scientific collaborator in 1973. He earned his PhD in 1979 with a dissertation on "Communication in the Construction Process". In parallel to his responsibilities at ETH, he was engaged in the management of the engineering bureau Schalcher&Partner in Zurich, where he worked primarily on industry projects and marketing studies in the Middle East and in Indonesia. In 1985 he founded the firm Dr. H.R. Schalcher and in 1996 the spin-off pom+Consulting AG with headquarters in Zurich.

Hansruedi Schalcher is currently working as a technical expert for the Swiss Government (Bundesamtes für Verkehr, BAV) and he is a Member of the Board of the Holcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction as well as of the Steering Committee of the national research programme "Sustainable Settlement Development" of the Swiss National Fonds.

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