SharePoint Online - Module 1 "Beginner"

2 hrs
  • 05.09.2024, 09:00 - 11:00
End of registration period: 29.08.2024
Online course
  • Müller, Andreas
  • Swisscom Campus, 
CHF 100.-
• Overview of SharePoint Online
• Basics of creating a SharePoint Online page
• Creation and management of content
• Collaboration and communication with SharePoint Online
Participants will know the basics of collaboration, communication and data management with SharePoint Online, and will be able to create a simple SharePoint Online page on their own.
ETH employees who would like to work with SharePoint in the future.
• Basic knowledge of Microsoft Teams
• No prior knowledge of SharePoint required

A variety of self-learning offers for SharePoint Online (SPO) are also available on the SPO landing page, as well as ETHZ L3Hub and LinkedIn Learnings.

You will be invited to the course via Microsoft Teams (after registration).
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