Writing for the Public

22.03.2022 - 29.03.2022
2 modules of 180 minutes each on different days
  • 22.03.2022, 09:00 - 12:00
  • 29.03.2022, 09:00 - 12:00
End of registration period: 14.03.2022
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg
  • Lindner, Gertrud  ()
  • Hochschulkommunikation,   ()
  • Elhardt, Christoph  ()
  • Johannssen-Hodel, Corinne
ETH Zürich or Zoom
Doctoral students
Professors and senior scientists

Whether it’s for an opinion piece in the newspaper, a public lecture or a text on your own website, writing comprehensibly for a non-scientific public is one of the most important skills in science communication.

The course is divided into two modules of 180 minutes each, held on different days.

Module 1 covers the basics:

  • Planning a text: target groups, objectives, messages
  • Storytelling: how can I turn my topic into a story?
  • Style and tone: how do I write in an understandable manner?
  • In-course exercise: developing the structure of a news article
  • Task for module 2: composing a text using the knowledge gained in the course

In module 2, participants practise what they have learned:

  • Concluding discussion and feedback using some examples from the course
  • Participants revise the text in the course
  • Outreach: what do I do with my text?

Participants learn and practice how good texts are structured, and the writing and structural criteria they must fulfil.


Please only register for the course if you really intend to participate; otherwise, you will deprive someone else of a place.

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