Schedule of written session exams online

The schedule of the written session examinations is accessible on myStudies via button "Examination schedule".

Please note:

  1. ONLY  WRITTEN  SESSION  examinations are listed on the examination schedule - there are no oral or end-of-semester-exams listed.
  2. A request for the preponement of examinations resp. distance examinations has to be handed in by Monday, 2 December 2019 (myStudies > Functions > Examinations).
  3. The examination schedule has been made in such way that every chosen combination of exams belonging to the curriculum of each student is possible. Since there are study programs with up to 111 written examinations to be held within a period of three and a half weeks, the examinations can take place on mornings, on afternoons and on Saturdays as well and - depending on the examination combinations selected - sometimes lead to examinations being held on the same or several consecutive days. In return each combination of selected examinations of all 12`300 students is possible.
  4. The session examination schedules are announced in three steps:

    a) Announcement of written session examination dates (examination dates, without locations)

    b) Announcement of oral session examination dates (examination dates and locations, with provisional times / approx. shortly before Christmas)

    c) After the registration deadline expires (Sunday, 12 January 2020, at midnight) the examination schedules are optimized for the examiners, to fill any gaps left by deregistrations from oral exams. The examination dates already announced are fixed - only the starting times of the oral examinations on the particular day may be changed. Students' personal examination schedules, with examination dates, locations and definite examination times are announced shortly before the examination session begins.
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