All about employment
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The basis of your employment is a public-law employment contract that you sign as an employee and ETH Zurich signs as an employer. This contract defines the details of the employment relationship between you and ETH Zurich, such as the length of employment and probationary period as well as your function, areas of responsibility and annual salary.
Job description
The specific tasks and objectives of your position, as well as any associated responsibilities, decision-making powers or other requirements, are outlined in the job description. The job description also contains your official title.
Type of employment and salary
Your function determines the length of your employment contract and the salary type according to which your work is paid.
Overview of employee groups
Employees in administration, IT or technical fields are typically employed on a permanent basis. However, there is one exception: If they are hired as part of a temporary project or a professorship that is due to end (emeritus) within the next five years, a fixed-term contract can be issued for up to five years.
Based on the job description, HR partners assign your position to a function and a function level within the Download ETH Domain's function grid (PDF, 106 KB). For each function level, the ETH Domain's salary system specifies a salary band in which the salary level is determined individually. The salary is paid in thirteen monthly instalments.
The external page ETH Domain's Personnel Ordinance (in German) serves as the legal basis.
Doctoral students are employed on a temporary basis for a maximum of six years.
- The initial contract is issued for at least eighteen months.
- Subsequent contracts are issued for at least twelve months.
- In the final year, contracts with a minimum duration of three months are possible.
Doctoral students typically receive a fixed-rate salary, paid in twelve monthly instalments. In exceptional cases, a lump-sum salary may be agreed upon.
The ETH Zurich ordinance on the doctorate serves as the legal basis. Employment is based on the directives for doctoral students (please refer to the Download information sheet (PDF, 831 KB) for additional information).
For doctoral supervisors:
Further information on the employment of doctoral students can be found in the doctoral supervisor's handbook.
Postdocs and scientific assistants I & II (overview of scientific functions at ETH Zurich) are employed on a temporary basis for up to six years.
They typically receive a fixed-rate salary, paid in twelve monthly instalments. In exceptional cases, a lump-sum salary may be agreed upon.
The ordinance governing scientific employees serves as the legal basis.
Established researchers and scientific collaborators are employed for up to six years*.
The two functions are divided into group I and II. Based on this division, they will be assigned to function level 9 or 10 in the Download ETH Domain's function grid (PDF, 106 KB). For each function level, the ETH Domain's salary system specifies a salary band in which the salary level is determined individually. The salary is paid in thirteen monthly installments.
In exceptional cases, a lump-sum salary may be agreed upon.
The ordinance governing scientific employees serves as legal basis.
*For scientific collaborators I with function level 9 who are direct hires, the maximum length of employment is nine years.
Senior scientists and executive scientific collaborators are employed on a permanent basis.
The two functions are divided into group I and II. Based on this, they will be assigned to function level 10, 11, 12 or 13 in the Download ETH Domain's function grid (PDF, 106 KB). For each function level, the ETH Domain's salary system specifies a salary band in which the salary level is determined individually. The salary is paid in thirteen monthly installments.
The ordinance governing scientific employees serves as legal basis.
Professors are hired on a permanent basis. Assistant professors receive a fixed-term contract. Their employment conditions and salary ranges are based on the external page ordinance of the ETH board for professors (in German).
For professors of practice, the regulations for professors of practice at ETH Zurich (in German) apply.
For further information, visit:
Hourly salaries
For irregular assignments, e.g., for teaching assistants, a fixed-term employment relationship with an hourly salary can be agreed upon. Learn more
For supervisors: Request changes to an employee’s functional level in advance
When employees take on a new role, you (the supervisor) send the new job description to HR Consulting. The same rules that apply to a new hire are used to determine their salary.
Please note that changes in function can only be requested and implemented in advance. Every change in function requires amending the employment contract, which must be signed by both the employee and ETH Zurich. You can find more information at Leadership in Practice.
Legal basis
- external page call_made Federal Personnel Act (BPG) - German
- Download vertical_align_bottom Framework Regulation of the Federal Personnel Act - German (PDF, 114 KB)
- external page call_made Personnel Ordinance ETH domain (PVO ETH) - German
- Download vertical_align_bottom Comment on PVO-ETH - Personnel Law (PDF, 1018 KB)
- chevron_right Ordinance governing scientific employees