Two Senior Fellows join the ETH-ITS in spring

Harvard condensed matter physicist Eugene Demler and returning Senior Fellow Terry Hwa will join the ETH Institute this coming month.

Enlarged view: Terry Hwa
Terry Hwa (Photograph: Tom Kawara/ETH Zurich)

Terry Hwa, a physicist and biologist at the University of California, San Diego, was the first Senior Fellow at the Institute. He will return in mid-April after a semester at his home university and will spend the spring and part of the summer at the ETH-ITS.  The new Senior Fellow Eugene Demler, of Harvard University, is a condensed-matter physicist working on various aspects of strongly correlated systems, in particular strongly interacting quantum gases. He will arrive at the beginning of May and stay first for two months. He will come again in autumn to spend four more months. Hwa and Demler will join current Senior Fellows Dimitry Chelkak, Henrik Iwaniec, Alexander Lubotzky and Adi Shamir, and Junior Fellows Emily Clader and Zur Luria.