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Chair for History of the Modern World

: Overview and News

Welcome to the Professorship for History of the Modern World

The Professorship for History of the Modern World deals with the historical analysis of different forms of global interdependencies that have increasingly shaped the world since the 18th century. The implications of (post)colonial transnational relationships in the development of Europe, North-America and the Global South are examined in this context. The role of scientific experts, disciplines and institutions, and transcultural knowledge in colonial and postcolonial constellations are of particular interest. The history of processes of globalisation is combined with expertise in different extra-European regions in the work done within this group.

Harald Fischer-Tiné in conversation

Harald Fischer-Tiné in a conversation about Gandhi's Salt March on 12 March 1930, sheding lights on Gandhi and colonialism: reduction of Gandhi from certain myths and images; West German Radio (Westdeutscher Rundfunk,WDR) 12 March 2025, by Almut Finck.

Come an join us in a discussion, all welcome!

"Critical Fabulation: Re-narrating History Against the Archival Grain" with Jovita dos Santos Pinto, Niloofar Rasooli and Monique Ligtenberg (moderation), Friday, 14 March, 7 PM, at Unitobler (Lerchenweg 36, Bern), room F-121.