ETH Zurich is home to top-notch basic and applied research in the service of science, society, industry, and politics.
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The pages in this area mainly address researchers who want to find out more about funding opportunities, services and regulations. In addition, detailed information is provided on the departmental evaluation website. Interested non-academics will find some relevant links concerning research at ETH Zurich below.
For researchers
ETH Zurich supports your research with internal funding programmes and prizes, excellent infrastructure, as well as services relating to third-party funding, data management, publications, and scientific IT. Various services are tailored to specific career stages.
ETH's departments as well as numerous cross-cutting initiatives such as Competence Centres and NCCRs are great places to build up your network at ETH.
A normative framework is provided by research ethics, protecting human and animal subjects, and scientific integrity.
For externals
ETH Zurich's focus areas provide a first overview. Check out the ETH News for the latest information, the Zukunftsblog for personal views on socially relevant topics, or the magazine Globe for in-depth reports.
Research takes place at ETH's 16 departments and at its Competence Centres. More information can be found on their pages and in their dedicated newsfeeds.