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Agricultural Economics and Policy Group

The main objective of the Agricultural Economics and Policy Group is to improve the understanding of interactions between policies and production and risk management decisions in the agricultural and food sector.

The Agricultural Economics and Policy Group belongs to the Department of Management, Technology and Economics (D-MTEC) and is also part of the Department of Environmental System Science (D-USYS). We are affiliated with the Institute for Environmental Decisions ( IED ) and associated member at the Institute for Agricultural Sciences  (IAS) as well as the World Food System Center.  (WFSC)

See the most recent AECP news

Julia Kunkel joins AECP Group

Louisa Wyss joins AECP Group

Interview with Robert Finger in 20 Minuten

New course on Risk Analysis and Risk Management in Agriculture: Theory and Applications

53th Annual conference of the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Sociology (SGA)