Severin Eder and Lukas Böcker - Authentic seafood analogues
Structuring of nutritious microalgae-based formulations from micro- to macroscale
The global ocean and its coastal areas contain unique biodiversity that provides valuable food resources to billions of people worldwide. However, proliferation of capture and culture fishery practices over the last decades resulted in 34% of global fish stock being overfished and the destruction of mangroves at rates 3 to 5 times higher than the global deforestation rate. These circumstances paired with a global rise in demand for seafood present an enormous incentive for us to produce sustainable seafood analogues.
Our goal is to provide vegan seafood that matches or even exceeds its animal counterpart in terms of structure and nutritional quality. For this purpose, we combine a minimum of sustainable and plant-based raw materials to design a nutritionally balanced food composition. With an innovative food printing process we will provide authentic seafood analogues that captivate with the snap and succulence of seafood.
Lukas Böcker and Severin Eder (left to right)