Career Bites (virtual)

Little bites from the world of work - a Career Bites Event gives you the opportunity to get into contact with a big but exclusive circle of students.

No matter where the students are – at ETH, at the kitchen table of their shared flat or en route in the train: with a virtual Career Bite Event you can reach ETH talents location-independent.

Additionally you save the time to travel to the ETH campus and you profit from an unlimited number of participating students of your target goup(s).

Due to the platform of our collaboration partner (external pagecareerfairy) you can see the questions of the students beforehand which allows you to shape your talk accordingly and to make it even more taget-oriented. Thanks to the Talentpool you can stay in contact with the participants after the event.

at lunch time

after work/study

12.15–13.00h; unlimited number of participants

17.15–18.00h; unlimited number of participants

Generally you are free to chose a topic for your presentation. We strongly recommend NOT to conduct a classical company presentation, but to offer a special insight into your company in order to attract and inspire the participants. The Career Center is happy to give you advise regarding choice of topic and title of the event.


  • Welcome by the Career Center (2')
  • Thematic input of the chosen topic by the company (20’)
  • Answering questions from the students by the company representatives (25’)

The ETH Career Center contributes to a successful Event by

  • Consulting you regarding the content topic
  • Consulting you regarding the choice of target group (study level Bachelor/Master/Doctoral Students andstudy fields) and inviting them
  • Publishing the event on the ETH Career Center Event Calendar and advertising it to the students

The following tasks are in your responsibility

  • Selection and organization of company representatives (one HR Person and one ETH Alumni recommended)
  • Spatiality (including background design, show material)
  • Laptop with camera on site

Please note that a Career Bites Event is not a recruitment event. That the selection of the students is based on the target group you specify (courses and levels) and can only be further influenced by the tendering language German / English.

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