Company Career Lunch

Get to know ETH talents informally over lunch – virtually or in-person

In collaboration with the ETH spin-off CareerLunch AG, the Career Center offers the website external that allows students to meet with employees over lunch. Among all interested applicants, you select the students that can meet with your employees. A CareerLunch is a personal experience and takes place in a small setting (typically 1-3 students with one employee) either virtually through a video call or in-person at the workplace of the employee. You can host as many CareerLunches as you desire throughout the semester (typically companies meet with 20+ students in a semester). The platform automates the coordination so that your HR only needs to screen the applicants and your employees only need to participate at the lunch meetings.

The ETH Career Center contributes to a successful company lunch by

  • advice on the selection of the target group and contacting them
  • Publishing the event in the event calendar

The following points are your responsibility

  • Selection and organization of company representatives (recommended ETH Alumni)
  • Organization and selection of the lunch location
  • Review and selection of incoming applications

Please note that the ETH Career Center exclusively handles the marketing and the invitation of the targeted students at this event. The rest of the handling is done via the homepage external of CareerLunch AG.

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