Make an impact with your presentations

The challenge of presenting is to engage and inspire the audience, but that is easier said than done. ETH spin-off Showzone has created an AI-powered presentation app that helps deliver presentations with success.

We talked to Showzone co-founders Eren Akbiyik, Simon Beyer and Nicolas Zanotti.

How can the Showzone app improve presentations?
As a presenter, you make your presentation, you create the slides, you iron your trousers, you try to look your best, you deliver your presentation in a professional manner and so what? Every presenter does exactly that. If you want to set yourself apart as a presenter Showzone can help you to take your presentation to the next level.

Can you give us an example of how the app works?
Showzone has created the second screen experience that is a vital part of our product. Here’s how the second screen experience works; the members of the audience can scan a QR code and immediately join the show by using their web browser. In this web app, the audience can participate in the presentation. By participating, the audience stays engaged and interested during the presentation. Once the presentation is over, Showzone enables the audience to easily provide feedback to the presenter. Within the app, the process is streamlined and thereby guarantees not only a high rate of feedback but also feedback with more details. When a speaker receives feedback after their presentation, their success can be measured.

Join the presentation with the second screen experience (source: Showzone).

What are the key features of the app?
The Showzone app uses AI to summarize and condense the content of the presentation so that the audience can absorb and retain more content and gives the audience an easy method for providing feedback.
Showzone can help you:

  • to engage your audience,
  • to provide the audience with transcriptions during the presentation,
  • to provide additional support for audience members with special needs,
  • and to give the audience something tangible to take away.

Why is it so important to make presentations more interesting for the audience?
Research has shown that immediately after a presentation, the audience members can only recall approximately 20% of the content. Research also shows that the average attention span is around 10 minutes. During a presentation, if the audience gets bored, they mentally leave. Showzone aims to prevent that.

How can AI help a presenter reach his or her audience better and hold their interest longer?
Firstly, AI can understand human speech and transcribe it from speech to text in real-time. Another thing that AI can do well is take in one language and output another, for example, the presenter delivers the presentation in English and the listener can hear it in German on the other side. In addition, AI can summarize content. For example, for an hour-long talk, AI can take in all the content, break it down and summarize it into something more straightforward to understand. In short, AI understands, transcribes, translates, summarizes, and helps the audience to consume the information as efficiently as possible.

What is your vision for the types of customers that will benefit from using Showzone?
Currently, we are focusing on the event space, which includes the speaker, the organizer, and the audience. However, our vision for customers extends beyond events and includes all speakers who engage with larger audiences, such as lecturers, coaches, trainers, and consultants.

Showzone team ( )


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