Funding and Financing

There are three funding possibilities for joint projects with industry: Direct financing, national funding and international funding for co-operation.

Directly funded research co-operation

Companies can finance joint projects with ETH Zurich directly. This eliminates the need to submit applications to funding institutions and allows for a project start without delay.

What are the financial and legal requirements for co-operation with industry? More information is available here: Research contracts

Are there partners in industry for your research topic? Who should I contact? The ETH Industry Relations team will be happy to assist.  

Nationally funded research co-operation

external page Innosuisse is the Swiss agency for promoting innovation. It supports joint projects between companies and universities, thereby strengthening in particular the competitiveness of small and medium-​​sized enterprises (SMEs) in Switzerland .

Do you have questions about Innosuisse's funding schemes, the application process or do you need support in finding suitable project partners? Please contact ETH Industry Relations.

Innosuisse supports preliminary studies (innovation cheques) and innovation projects with or without implementation partners from industry.

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Beispiel für ein Innosuisse-Projekt (Video: ETH Zürich)

Internationally funded research co-​operation

ETH Grants Office is part of the regionally structured external page Euresearch network and supports researchers, all ETH Zurich spin-offs and companies in the Zurich region with regard to European funding. Our company advisors offer dedicated support with regard to the European Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation: Horizon Europe and external page Horizon 2020.

external page Euresearch is the central contact point in Switzerland for EU funding programmes for regions other than Zurich. Swiss-based companies can obtain information and advice on EU funding as well as specific assistance with funding applications. You can find a list of external page company advisors in the regions here.

For further European programmes, e.g. Eurostars and EU partnerships (Driving Urban Transitions - DUT, Personalised medicine – PerMed, etc), please contact external page Innosuisse.

Researchers and companies can be supported in different ways and at different stages of their project:

  • As individual participant (so-called mono-beneficiary)
  • As member of a consortium with participants from industry and academia
  • In programmes with predefined topics (top-down) as well as in programmes with open topics (bottom-up)
  • With a focus on either early product development phases or phases bringing products to market maturity or towards expansion into new or larger market segments (scaling-up)
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Example of successful co-​operation between a company and ETH Zurich in an EU-​funded project
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An overview of the upcoming framework programme Horizon Europe
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Why is participating in EU projects worthwhile?
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What are the advantages of working with project partners in EU projects?