Wolfram Feuerstein

Wolfram Feuerstein
  • HG F 43
  • +41 44 632 36 11

ETH transfer IP und Lizenzen
Rämistrasse 101
8092 Zürich

Wolfram Feuerstein

Role at ETH transfer

Technology and Licensing Manager

  • D-ARCH
  • D-BAUG
  • D-CHAB (except Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences IPW)
  • D-MATL

Office days

Mo-Fr, full-time

Work experience

Wolfram studied chemistry at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), where he also completed his doctorate in inorganic chemistry. After a post-doc at EPFL in the Laboratory of Macromolecular Chemistry, he worked for two years as a project manager and consultant in an engineering office for laboratory and cleanroom planning. Wolfram has been part of ETH transfer since January 2024.

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