In the Media - October 2023

Featuring the best of this month's news stories from the perspective of journalists and media around the globe.

The New York Times

25 October 2023

A Radioactive Sea of Magma Hides Under the Surface of Mars

external page In two studies published Wednesday in the journal Nature, researchers re-evaluated InSight’s seismic record. Both teams independently concluded that Mars’s core is more like our own world’s heavy metal heart than previously suspected. The initial higher-size estimate was a result of an undetected 90-to-125-mile-deep ocean of molten rock, which made the underlying core seem bigger than it is...But the deep sea of magma, hidden below Mars’s solid mantle and kept molten by radioactive elements, is exotic. “It does not exist on Earth,” Dr. Khan said, and its presence may require a rethink of the red planet’s chaotic evolution.

Also reported in...

external page Independent

external page Engadget

external page REUTERS

external page Interesting Engineering

external page The Straits Times (Singapore)

external page Sky & Telescope

external page ScienceAlert

external page The Brussels Times (Belgium)

external page Tech and Science Post

external page RTE

external page TechCodex

external page Scimex (Australia & New Zealand)

external page Techly 360 (India)

external page Techcratic

external page Jack 1065 (radio)

external page City Life (South Africa)

external page Payload

external page Copernical

external page News Founded

external page Latest Nigerian News

external page US Today

external page ISP Today

external page Swift Telecast

external page Inferse

As well as in numerous other regional news publications

Tom Scott

23 October 2023

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AMZ Racing's "mythen" holds the world record for electric vehicle acceleration: 0-100km/h in 0.956 seconds. And they let me drive it. ■ AMZ:

0-100 in less than a second. And I'm driving.

YouTuber, Tom Scott visited ETH Zurich's AMZ Racing World Record team to test drive Mythen. In less than a week, the video has 2.2 million views.

Bloomberg Originals

23 October 2023

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Bloomberg Originals

Carbon Pulse

23 October 2023

Clean Energy

18 October 2023


3 October 2023

ETH Zurich Media Relations

Tel. +41 44 632 41 41

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