In the Media - January 2023

Featuring the best of this month's news stories from the perspective of journalists and media around the globe.

Science Robotics

January 2023 (print issue)

My Climate Journey, Climate Voices

24 January 2023

Seeing the Forest for the Fungi: Harnessing Fungal Microbiomes to Accelerate Natural Climate Solutions

external page Colin Averill, Senior Scientist at ETH Zurich's Crowther Lab maps the planet's mycorrihizal fungi.

World Today News

20 January 2023

AZO Robotics

19 January 2023

New Flying Device to Land on Tree Branches to Take DNA Samples

external page Ecologists are increasingly using the traces of genetic material omitted by living organisms left behind in the surrounding, known as environmental DNA (eDNA) in order to record and track biodiversity. Depending on these DNA traces, researchers at ETH Zurich and Swiss Federal research institute WSL can identify which species are present in some areas

Also reported in...

ScienceDaily, 18 January 2023, external page Special drone collects environmental DNA from trees

Interesting Engineering, 20 January 2023, external page This new drone can collect environmental DNA from tree branches

New Atlas, 19 January 2023, external page Swiss eDrone helps scientists gather eDNA from branches

ZME Science, 20 January 2023, external page This gentle drone can scoop animal DNA from the tops of trees

DroneXL, 25 January 2023, external page Research drone collects samples of genetic material from treetops

UAV Digest, January 2023, external page Collecting Environmental DNA with a Drone

Innovation Origins, 21 January 2023, external page Swiss researchers develop drone that collects samples from tree branches

Yahoo! Finance, 18 January 2023, external page This gentle drone collects loose DNA from swaying tree branches

TechCrunch, 18 January 2023, external page This gentle drone collects loose DNA from swaying tree branches

IEEE Spectrum, 20 January 2023, external page Video Friday: Drones in Trees, Your weekly selection of awesome robot videos



18 January 2023

Nasal Spray Could Help Deliver Antibodies That Heal Stroke-like Damage in the Brain, Study Suggests

The success rate of the nasal spray of antibodies after two weeks improved to about 60% of their former ability after four weeks since the injury. Meanwhile, those in the placebo treatment only recorded about 30%. external page When they examined the rat brains, they found that the treated rats had generated more new nerve fibers. Martin Schwab at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich said that they attained a level of antibodies that is useful in healing a massive stroke lesion that showed the brain has a natural regenerating ability.

Also reported in...

NewScientist, 16 January 2023, external page Spraying drugs up the nose may help heal the brain after a stroke


17 January 2023

Switzerland offers innovation-rich environment

Kristi Shalla, Swiss Business Hub notes that "current trends in photonics in Switzerland include the development of novel materials and devices, the use of photonics for biomedical applications, and the integration of photonics with other technologies...for fundamental physics research such as quantum computing and communication. external page For example, it is worth mentioning that ETH Zurich—together with the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI)—is building quantum computers, which will be used in research and application.


17 January 2023

Globe World News Echo

15 January 2023

Tree fungus is used in electronics and robotics

Mycelium itself can also be of interest to science. Because the fungal mycelium is a living, complex and adaptable material that forms large networks. These networks are in turn made up of elongated cells called hyphae. The hyphae absorb water and nutrients, which is how the fungus spreads in nature...external page Researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich are now also using the adaptive behavior to develop a self-healing and robust robot skin.

The Verge

13 January 2023

A Swiss company says it has pulled CO2 out of the atmosphere and stored it underground

external page Climeworks says a third-party auditor has verified its carbon removal for Microsoft, Stripe, and Shopify.  

Foreign Affairs New Zealand

12 January 2023

PV Europe

10 January 2023

EU and Switzerland need 302 billion euros per year to achieve climate goals

The EU and Switzerland have set themselves the goal of becoming climate-neutral by 2050...This is the result of a meta-study by ETH Zurich. external page "In order to drive forward the decarbonisation of all areas of life, around 75 billion a year will have to flow into solar and wind power plants in the next few years. That is 24 billion more per year than in the recent past," explains Bjarne Steffen, Professor of Climate Finance at ETH Zurich and co-author of the study.

Also reported in...

Futurity, 13 January 2023, external page EU needs major investment to hit emissions target

Science Business

10 January 2023

ETH Zurich spin-offs: Digital twins, new cancer treatments and three unicorns

A grand total of 26 spin-​offs were founded at ETH Zurich in 2022. Their businesses range from new cancer drugs and sustainable water bottles to digital mapping of urban traffic flows. external page The ETH spin-​off family also welcomed three new unicorns and raised 1.2 billion Swiss francs in fresh capital.

Amanpour and Company (PBS television & radio broadcast)

5 January 2023

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CH Sign in 7:29 / 18:23 This Pilot Is Racing to Photograph Our Glaciers Before They’re Gone | Amanpour and Company

This Pilot Is Racing to Photograph Our Glaciers Before They’re Gone

Garrett Fisher, founder of The Global Glacier initiative mentions in a PBS television/radio broadcast show, Amanpour & Company hosted by Christianne Amanpour, Chief International Anchor ETH Zurich that external page "ETH Zurich predicts by 2100 there could only be two glaciers in Switzerland. Just two and I believe it. From what I see absolutely that very much can happen." (Broadcasted widely on television and on syndicated national radio in the U.S.)

ETH Zurich Media Relations Team

Tel. +41 44 632 41 41

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