ETH News
All stories by Gertrud Lindner
A vision for the future

Data and information, health and medicine, materials and manufacturing, and responsibility and sustainability: these are the main priorities set out in ETH Zurich’s Strategy and Development Plan for 2021–2024.
Magic Cube: bringing electrical engineering to life

Magic Cube is a new teaching tool developed by ETH Zurich, ABB and mint & pepper. It uses a playful approach to teach junior high and high school students the basics of electrical engineering and awaken their interest in the field.
Measures for appointing more female professors prove effective

Since 2014, "equal! The Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity" has documented the status of equal opportunities for men and women at ETH Zurich in an annual Gender Monitoring report. The latest report has been renamed “Equality Monitoring”, as it also addresses the topic of diversity.
Summer quiz: ETH and the environment
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Whether it be sustainable proteins, artificial reefs or carbon-neutral fuels: ETH Zurich has been working on key topics related to sustainability for decades, and is now a leader in energy, environment and nutrition research.