ETH Zurich at the National Climate Day
In the first Swiss National Climate Day, ETH Zurich participates with a fresh discussion format on some of the most fundamental questions of life. In addition, researchers are joining live from Bern.

The first Swiss National Climate Day will take place on 27 May. ETH Zurich will be present with exciting contributions. Various ETH Zurich researchers will participate on themes such on climate facts, nutrition, and sustainable building and living – live from the Bundesplatz in Bern.
Furthermore, ETH Zurich launches "Rethinking Living", a new discussion format dedicated to essential questions of life. In the first episode on the occasion of Climate Day, professors Rachael Garrett, Environmental Policy, and Ecologist, Tom Crowther discuss the "fate of the forests". They will explore questions such as: How do we protect havens of biodiversity? And, how can we restore valuable carbon reservoirs?