What is it like to study computer science at ETH? 33 female high school students attended a one-week taster course in February to find out.

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(Video: ETH Zurich / Nicole Davidson)

The week began with coding workshops and lectures on more theoretical aspects of computer science, in which the young women learned about algorithms and the structure of programming languages. On the last day, they presented small apps which they had programmed themselves in groups.

Throughout the week, the participants had the opportunity to connect with students and discover a whole community of women studying or working at the Department of Computer Science. They asked about living in Zurich, classes and exams at ETH, free time, and study sessions.

The taster course is organised twice a year by CSNOW, a group of the Department of Computer Science which aims to abolish gender-​based barriers and prejudices, and to create a study and work environment that is comfortable for all. 


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