Didactic Basics

This course supports Student Teaching Assistants to develop knowledge, capability and confidence to effectively plan courses and teach exercise classes. Participants get trained to think critically about students’ learning and create learning situations in which students are actively engaged. Furthermore, participants build a valuable peer network with colleagues from different departments at ETH that can support them in developing their teaching career.

Please note: This course is not offered in HS24. We recommend "Ready, set? Go!" as the alternative. 

Course content

  • Theoretical foundations
  • Microteaching: Trying out a teaching sequence (not in online course)
  • Peer observations: Colleagues observe each others’ teaching and give feedback
  • "Transfer" event: What did I learn from the training session, the peer observations and the concrete teaching experience?

Is this course for me?

The course is open to Student Teaching Assistants (students with teaching duties in exercises, practicals etc.) from all departments and chairs.

REQUIREMENT: teaching duties in the current semester


Enrollment in MyStudies/VVZ

NOTE: This course will NOT be offered in HS 2024.


  • «Sehr nützlich! Einige Tipps aus der Hospitation habe ich in meiner Übungsstunde integriert.»
  • «Es war hilfreich, sich mit anderen Hilfsassistierenden austauschen zu können und von deren Erfahrungen zu profitieren.»
  • «Der Kurs fördert die Selbstreflexion und machte mich auf Fehler aufmerksam. Ich fand das sehr nützlich.»
  • «Feedback von anderen Studierenden war sehr hilfreich (Microteaching & Peer-Hospitationen).»

Programme coordinator

Dr. Marion Lehner
Lecturer at the Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences
  • HAD F 1

Abt. für Lehre und Lernen
Haldenbachstr. 44
8092 Zürich

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