Range of study programmes

Illustration related to teaching

ETH Zurich degree programmes impart knowledge which has a long half-life. Their graduates are trained to address fundamental questions and challenges in the natural sciences, engineering and mathematics.

The structure of degree programmes corresponds to international standards: three-year Bachelor’s degree programmes Bachelor's degree programmes (180 ECTS credits) are followed by Master's degree programmes of 18 months or two years (90–120 ECTS credits).

Achieving a doctoral degree takes an average of three to four years after the Master’s degree.

Bachelor’s degree level

ETH Zurich Bachelor’s degree programmes impart fundamental knowledge in mathematics and other formative sciences together with the theoretical and methodological knowledge of the selected discipline. Students also focus on their first research themes in the context of electives and project work. The main teaching language is German.

The Bachelor’s degree qualifies the holder to enter the corresponding consecutive or a specialised interdisciplinary Master’s degree programme.

Bachelor’s degree programmes

Master’s degree level

ETH Zurich Master’s degree programmes deepen the knowledge gained at Bachelor’s level or comprise specialist training, and Master’s degree holders are qualified to enter a profession.

Research is a significant part of the programme. ETH Zurich offers its students a stimulating international environment at Master’s level which is an ideal preparation for their future working environment or for doctoral studies. In addition to lectures and exercises many degree programmes include internships of several months outside the university. Master’s degree programmes are mostly taught in English.

Master’s degree programmes

Doctoral studies

Doctoral studies at ETH Zurich involve independent scientific work and the doctorate comprises an authoritative disciplinary and metadisciplinary qualification.

All ETH Zurich doctoral candidates also supervise students during their doctoral studies, gaining further experience which is valuable in their later careers.

Doctoral studies

Continuing education

ETH Zurich offers a range of continuing education programmes which are intended for ETH alumni, graduates of other universities in Switzerland and abroad, and well-qualified professionals. Some of these programmes involve in-depth consolidation of subject knowledge and others extend interdisciplinary themes. They lead to qualifications which include the Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) and Master of Business Administration (MBA), comprising at least 60 ECTS credits; the Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) (at least 30 credits); and the Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) (at least 10 credits). The prerequisites for admission are a university Master’s degree or the equivalent. An academic continuing education qualification does not in itself entitle the holder to begin doctoral studies. The range of programmes also includes shorter further education programmes and online courses.

Continuing education

Student Services

The staff of the Student Services help future students to select a degree programme, prepare them for the reality of studying the chosen subject and monitor them during the first phase of studies. Read more

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