Swiss-Korean Science Days: From Brain Science to Brain IT

The Swiss-Korean Science Days are a series of annual conferences to foster the relations between Korea and Switzerland in science and technology. The 5th edition of the Science Days will bring together Swiss and Korean brain researchers in Seoul from 6-9 October 2014.

Enlarged view: Swiss Korea Science Day

The 2014 Science Days aim to identify new frontiers and trends at the interface between brain science and technology. The focus will lie on presenting new initiatives from Switzerland and Korea that aim at advancing our knowledge of how the brain performs complex computations at the systems level, at developing new methods to study these processes in animal models and humans, and at translating these insights into biologically inspired technology. They provide a platform for researchers to meet and to present projects in research areas of mutual interest to both countries and establish new collaboration.

Challenges like “big data” will also be discussed. Apart from scientific presentations there should be room for discussion between the participants to foster future cooperation. Young scientists from both countries will be invited for short talks and will be encouraged to exchange in dedicated social spaces.

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