ETH Meets You at the Digital Festival Zurich
Zurich, 15 September 2017 - Security Technologies Enabling the Future: From Blockchains to IoT

New information technologies emerge at rapid pace and innovations in the area of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) have significant impacts on our social, political and economic lives. The ongoing and expected changes offer great opportunities to societies and economies, but they also bear risks. To counter risks in the constantly evolving ICT landscape, a thorough understanding of the theoretical foundations of information security as well as practical security threats and countermeasures are needed and scientific findings are to be disseminated to the target groups.
This session aims to provide insights and a comprehensive overview to the newest trends, useful use cases and research in the field of Security Technologies and is jointly organized by ETH Zurich and the Digital Festival.
Friday, 15 September 2017
14.00 - 17.00 h
Door opening time: 13.30 h
Download Programme (PDF, 806 KB)
Klubsaal, Kaufleuten Zürich (entry through Nüschelerstrasse)
Free entry. Please register external page here.
external page Andreas Hirstein
NZZ am Sonntag, Ressortleiter Wissen
Confirmed Speakers
Lino Guzzella
President of ETH Zurich
Srdjan Capkun
Professor and Director of the Zurich Information Security and Privacy Center (ZISC), ETH Zurich
Renato Renner
Professor for Theoretical Physics and head of the research group for Quantum Information Theory, ETH Zurich
external page Martin Bosshardt
CEO Open Systems AG
external page Matthias Bosshardt
Head of Cyber Security, KPMG Switzerland
external page Tarek Amiri
IT Security Officer, Swisscom
external page Robert Bornträger
CEO Global IT, SIX
external page Marc Henauer
external page Markus Naef
CEO SwissSign AG
external page Claudio Marforio and external page Sandra Tobler
Co-founders of the start-up Futurae Technologies AG
external page Antonio Barresi
Co-founder of the start-up Xorlab