Prof. em. Günther Vogt

Prof. em.  Günther Vogt

Prof. em. Günther Vogt

Professor Emeritus at the Department of Architecture

ETH Zürich

Dep. Architektur

ONA J 25

Neunbrunnenstr. 50

8093 Zürich


Additional information

Günther Vogt was Associate Professor from September 2005 and Full Professor of Landscape Architecture at ETH Zurich, Department of Architecture from February 2009 to July 2022, with an extension as a lecturer until July 2023.

After training at the Oeschberg Horticultural School in Bern, Günther Vogt studied landscape architecture at the Intercantonal Technical School Rapperswil, Switzerland. In 1987 he became an employee at Stöckli, Kienast, Köppel, and in 1995 he founded the office Kienast Vogt Partner together with Dieter Kienast. After the death of Dieter Kienast in 2000, the office Vogt Landscape Architects, Zurich, emerged. In 2002, the Vogt Landscape Planners branch was established in Munich, and since 2010 it has been based in Berlin. In 2008, with the win of the athletes' village, the third office, Vogt Landscape, was founded in London and expanded by a location in Paris (2019). Attached to the office is the case studio Vogt, as an interface between practice and the theoretical and research-based examination of Günther Vogt's professorship at ETH Zurich. From 2007 to 2011 he was head of the NSL (Network City and Landscape) at ETH Zurich. During the autumn semester of 2012, Günther Vogt taught at the Harvard Graduate School of Design.



Günther Vogt became internationally known through projects such as the outdoor space of the Tate Gallery of Modern Art, the open spaces around the Allianz Arena football stadium in Munich, the Masoala Hall at Zurich Zoo, but also through smaller projects such as the courtyard of the Hotel Greulich in Zurich or the Laban Dance Centre in London. Today, Vogt works with around 60 employees in close collaboration with architects and artists on international projects of various types and sizes, such as:

  • Athlete village 2012, London (East Village)
  • European Central Bank, Frankfurt (architecture: Coop Himmelb(l)au)
  • Klosterplatz and Abteihof Kloster Einsiedeln, Schweiz
  • Kvadrat, Ebeltoft (art: Ólafur Elíasson)
  • M+ Museum, Hong Kong (architecture: Herzog and de Meuron)
  • Museum of Modern Art, Kalkutta (architecture: Herzog und de Meuron)
  • Novartis Campus Park, Basel (art: Dan Graham, Olafur Eliasson, and others)
  • Novartis Campus, The Green, Basel (architecture: Frank O. Gehry)
  • Swiss National Museum, Zürich (architecture: Christ & Gantenbein)
  • Office building BLKB, Liestal (architecture: Christ & Gantenbein)
  • Extension of a residential building, Arlesheim (architecture: Christ & Gantenbein)
  • FIFA head quarter, Zürich (architecture: Tilla Theus)
  • Expansion of the Beverin Clinic (architecture: Max Kasper with artist Hans Danuser)
  • 1997–1999: renovation of the lido Allenmoos (architecture: Ueli Zbinden)
  • seit 2017: Extension of the Waldhaus Clinic, Chur (architecture: Conradin Clavuot)
  • The Gardens of the Eiffel Tower, Paris
  • Lokstadt Winterthur
  • Masoala hall, zoo Zürich

The urban landscape is the subject of Vogt's activities. The international team designs, plans, and implements national and international projects on various scales. The spectrum ranges from small-scale town squares to metropolitan parks and is carried out in collaboration with renowned architectural firms and artists. VOGT's permanent employees include landscape architects, botanists, and urban planners who contribute their expert knowledge to the development of the multi-layered projects.




In 2012, he was the first landscape architect to be awarded the Prix Meret Oppenheim.


Important Publications


  • Thomas Kissling (Hrsg.): «Anthologie Landschaft – Lucius Burckhardt». Lars Müller Publishers 2023.
  • Thomas Kissling (Hrsg.): «Fest, Flüssig, Biotisch. Alpine Landschaften im Wandel» // «Solid, Fluid, Biotic. Changing Alpine Landscapes». Lars Müller Publishers 2021
  • Günther Vogt, Violeta Burckhardt, Frank Fehrenbach (Hrsg.): «Paradise Now. Die neuen Grenzen des Gartens». Matthes & Seitz Berlin 2021
  • Günther Vogt, Thomas Kissling: «Mutation und Morphose. Landschaft als Aggregat» // «Mutation and Morphosis. Landscape as Aggregate». Lars Müller Publishers 2021
  • Günther Vogt: “Landschaft als Wunderkammer. Fragen nach einer Haltung” // “Landscape as a Cabinet of Curiosities. In Search of a Position”. Lars Müller Publishers 2015
  • Günther Vogt: „Miniatur und Panorama - Vogt Landschaftsarchitekten Arbeiten 2000-2006“, Lars Müller Publishers 2006
  • Alice Foxley, Vogt Landschaftsarchitekten: „Distance and Engagement – Walking, Thinking and Making Landscape“, Lars Müller Publishers, 2010
  • Dominique Ghiggi, chair Günther Vogt, Department of Architecture, ETH Zürich: „Baumschule - Kultivierung des Stadtdschungels“ // "Tree Nurseries – Cultivating the Urban Jungle, Lars Müller Publishers, 2010
  • Franziska Bark, chair Günther Vogt, Department of Architecture, ETH Zürich: „Versuche das Glück im Garten zu finden“, Lars Müller Publishers, 2011, ISBN 978-3-03778-247-7
  • Günther Vogt: „Miniature and Panorama - Vogt Landscape Architects Projects 2000-2012“, Lars Müller Publishers, 2012
  • Marcel Meili, Markus Peter, Vogt Landschaftsarchitekten: „5 Orte in der Schweiz“, Zürich, 2012
  • Tokyo. Die Strasse als gelebter Raum, Lars Müller Publishers
  • "Natur im Bild", in: Architekturmuseum Basel (Hrsg.), catalogue "Photographic Essays on Space. Arbeiten von Christian Vogt", Basel 2006, published on the occasion of the exhibition of the same name at the Architekturmuseum Basel from 8 April to 28 May 2006, pp. 49-56.  




  • 17th International Architecture Exhibition Venice: How will we live together? 3 Ausstellungen: «Common Water – The Alps») stone («Rolling Stones») and vegetation («Migrating Landscapes», 22 May to 21 November 2021
  • Architekturmuseum Berlin: Die unsichtbare Straße, 6. 5. - 11. 6. 2022
  • Un-Common Venice, Chair of Günther Vogt, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich and Case Studio Vogt, Contribution to the 13th International Architecture Biennale 2012 Venice, 2012.
  • exhibition "Groundswell" as part of the exhibition Entry 2006, Zollverein Essen, 26.8. - 3.12.2006.
  • exhibition "Stadt Platz Landschaft. Vogt Landschaftsarchitekten" at the Architekturgalerie München, 20.5. - 2.7.2005. (with publication)
  • exhibition "Von Büchern und Bäumen. Vogt Landschaftsarchitekten" at the Architekturmuseum Basel, 27.11.2004 - 30.1.2005 (prolonged to 6.3.2005). (with publication)
  • exhibition "Berlin in Madrid", Stiftung der Architektenkammer und Goethe Institut, Madrid, Oct. - Dec. 2003.
  • exhibition "Metropolis Exhibition", International Biennale of Architecture and Design, Sao Paulo, 14.9. - 2.11.2003.
  • "Leidenschaftliche Landschaften", in: Hochparterre, 4/2003, S. 20-27.
  • "Der Garten der Gewalt", in: Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz (Hrsg.), Garten der Gewalt, Stämpfli Verlag, Bern 2002, S. 28-41.
  • exhibition "Freiraum als Ressource", XXI. Architektur-Weltkongress, Berlin, 22. - 26.7.2002.
  • exhibition "The mediated motion" at the Kunsthaus Bregenz, Austria, together with the Danish artist Olafur Eliasson, 31.3. - 13.5.2001. (with publication)
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