Prof. Dr. Paola Picotti

Prof. Dr.  Paola Picotti

Prof. Dr. Paola Picotti

Full Professor at the Department of Biology
Head of Institute for Molecular Systems Biology

ETH Zürich

Inst. f. Molekulare Systembiologie

HPM H 46

Otto-Stern-Weg 3

8093 Zürich


Additional information

Research area

Paola Picotti’s team uses advanced targeted proteomic and phosphoproteomic methods to study protein misfolding and aggregation in cells.

After her PhD at the University of Padua (Italy), Paola Picotti joined as a postdoc the group of Ruedi Aebersold at ETH Zurich, where she developed targeted proteomic technologies based on mass spectrometry. In 2011, she was appointed Assistant Professor at the Institute of Biochemistry of ETHZ and in 2017 tenured Associate Professor at the Institute of Molecular Systems Biology at ETHZ.

Major contributions of the Picotti group include the development of structural proteomics technologies to probe in situ protein structural changes, the characterization of the determinants of proteome thermostability, the large-scale identification of protein small molecule interactions and the discovery of regulators of toxic proteins involved in Parkinson’s disease.

Dr. Picotti was awarded the Latsis Prize, the Cotter Award of the US HUPO, the SGMS award, the EMBO Young Investigator Award, the Friedrich Miescher Award, the Juan- Pablo Albar award of the European Proteome Association, an ERC Starting grant, an ERC Consolidator Grant and the EMBO Gold Medal.


Year Distinction
2020 Election to the German National Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina)
2020 Rössler Prize, ETH Zurich
2019 EMBO Gold Medal
2018 Friedrich-Miescher Award
2018 Juan Pablo Albar “Protein Pioneer” Award, European Proteome Organization
2016 EMBO Young Investigator Award
2016 Robert J. Cotter Award, American Human Proteome Organization
2016 SGMS Award for independent research in the field of MS
2011 ETH Zurich Latsis Prize
2008 ERG-FP7 Reintegration Grant of the European Research Council
2007 Marie Curie Grant

Additional information

Professor Picotti holds three patents.

Course Catalogue

Spring Semester 2025

Number Unit
551-0130-00L Fundamentals of Biology II
551-0224-00L Advanced Proteomics
551-0324-00L Systems Biology
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