Prof. em. Dr. Joram Feldon

Prof. em. Dr.  Joram Feldon

Prof. em. Dr. Joram Feldon

Professor Emeritus at the Department of Biology

Additional information

Joram Feldon is full Professor of Behavioral Biology and Functional Toxicology at the ETH Zurich since July, 1994.

Born in 1949 in Haifa, Israel, he received a B.A. degree in psychology from the University of Haifa in 1973 and a M.A. from Tel Aviv University in 1974. A scholarship from the Anglo-Israel Association enabled him to take his D.Phil. degree (conferred 1977) at the Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, England. In 1978 on a post-doctoral fellowship he spent a research year at the Laboratory of Behavioral Neurochemistry, Stanford University, USA. In 1979 he joined the Psychology Department at Tel-Aviv University as lecturer, then as senior lecturer (1982), associate professor (1985) and professor (1993). From 1985-1994 he participated in a collaborative research programme with teams in Oxford and London on a guest fellowship from The Royal Society, U.K. (1985-1987), and a Squibb senior visiting fellowship.

Professor Feldon's research investigates the relationship between brain and behavior using an interdisciplinary approach which combines physiological, neurochemical, and behavioral methods. His goal is the development of animal models of psychiatric and neurological disorders toward the understanding of brain mechanisms involved in the human disorders and the development of new drug therapies for these disorders.

The courses offered by his group cover subjects such as brain mechanisms underlying normal and abnormal processes of attention, learning and memory; psychopharmacological and hormonal manipulations of behavioral phenomena; psychophysiological measurements during human performance of neuropsychological tasks.

Professor Feldon is the coordinator of the neuroscience study programme for biology students at the ETH.

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