Prof. em. Dr. Max Engeli

Prof. em. Dr.  Max Engeli

Prof. em. Dr. Max Engeli

Professor Emeritus at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering

Additional information

Max Engeli was Full Professor of Manufacturing Computer Science in the Institute for Machines of Tools and Manufacturing of the ETH Zurich, beginning 1990. In 1973 he was given the title of Professor and he retired on April 1st, 1999.

Prof. Engeli was born on March 26, 1934 and comes from Engishofen TG. He studied in the physics department of the ETH Zurich and was awarded the ETH medal for his thesis. He earned his doctorate in 1962 under Professor Stiefel. A year as lecturer at the University of California at Berkeley was followed by one year as assistant professor at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. Following this, he returned to the Institute for Applied Mathematics and completed his habilitation in the field of symbolic calculation, with a thesis on the "Design and Implementation of an Algebraic Processor". During his second stay in the USA from 1967-1968, he taught at the University of Texas. Again he returned to Switzerland, this time to develop the computing center at Fides. He directed a department in a profit center, worked as a consultant, was active in developing the CAD/CAMS system Euclid from 1971 to 1990, and played a prominent role in developing the international banking communication network S.W.I.F.T. He has taught steadily and lectured as 'Privatdozent' in the field of information technology at the ETH Zurich since 1968.

Since his appointment as Professor Ordinarius, his activities have centered on areas concerned with the geometric tasks in CAD/CAM systems, the development of standards (STEP), the DURCHGäNGIGKEIT DER GEOMETRISCHEN DATEN from design to the milled part and the manufacture of prototypes using stereolithography.

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