Prof. em. Dr. Ottmar Holdenrieder

Prof. em. Dr.  Ottmar Holdenrieder

Prof. em. Dr. Ottmar Holdenrieder

Professor Emeritus at the Department of Environmental Systems Science

ETH Zürich

Institut für Integrative Biologie

CHN G 66

Universitätstrasse 16

8092 Zürich


Additional information

Ottmar Holdenrieder has been appointed to Full Professor of Forest Pathology and Dendrology at the ETH Zurich since October 1st, 1997.

Prof. Holdenrieder was born on August 8, 1954 in Munich. He studied horticultural sciences at the Technical University of Munich/Weihenstephan and completed his doctorate at the Forest Science Faculty of the Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich,under the supervision of Professor Peter Schütt. His doctoral dissertation received the Thurn & Taxis Prize 1983. Holdenrieder then worked as a scientific staff member in the Chair of Forest Botany at the University of Munich, where he realized several forest pathological research projects. He also worked as guest scientist at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala, the Agricultural Academy in Krakow and at the Max-Planck Institute of Biochemistry in Munich-Martinsried. He accepted the position of an extraordinary professor at the ETH Zurich on April 1st,1990.

The main objectives of Holdenrieder's research are fungal diseases of forest trees, differential diagnosis of tree diseases and the biodiversity of woody plants. He is editor-in-chief of the European Journal of Forest Pathology.

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