Sustainability Course Catalogue
This catalog makes it easy to find sustainability related lectures.
ETH Zurich aims to empower students to contribute to sustainable development. Below is a selection of our courses that will provide you with relevant knowledge, methods and skills to promote sustainability, regardless of the program of study you are pursuing.
The framework consists of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

How to read this course catalogue
HS next to the course title indicates that the course is taking place in the autumn semester (Herbstsemester), FS indicates spring semester (Frühjahrssemester). Please note that courses marked with * are only accessible for specific target groups.
A description of the methods used for this overview can be found at the end of the page.
General courses on Sustainable Development (selected)

HS - The Sustainable Development Goals in Context
HS - ETH Week : Circular Realities
HS - Sustainable Development - Bridging Art and Science
FS - Complexity and Global Systems Science
FS - Transdisciplinary Case Study
FS - KNUST-ETH Global Development Summer School
Courses by SDG (selected)

FS - Entwicklungsökonomik (DE)
FS - Contemporary Development Debate*

HS - Governing the Energy Transition
HS - Projektentwicklung im Bereich erneuerbarer Energien (DE)
HS - Energy and Environment in the 21st Century (Part I)
FS - Energy Innovation and Management*
FS - Technology and Policy of Electrical Energy Storage
FS - Energy and Sustainability in the 21st Century (Part II)

FS - Hydrosphäre (DE)
FS - Modelling Aquatic Ecosystems
The ETH Sustainability team determined 575 keywords on the basis of the SDG subtargets and related indicators. With the help of ETH Zurich’s Institutional Research team, the keywords were applied to the comprehensive course catalogue, searching within the title, description and learning objectives of a course. From the resulting over 800 courses, up to five courses per SDG were selected to be presented on this website. Please let us know if there is any course related to the SDGs and sustainability in general that is missing from our list.
Additionally, another search was conducted based on the keywords of external page Times Higher Education Impact Ranking. external page Here you may find more information about their keyword selections and Download here (XLSX, 343 KB) you find our resulting course list.