Recording of the lunchtime event: "Sleep as a success factor"

"Sleep as a success factor" was the focus of the health lunchtime event on 4 April. For all those who want to make the most of their sleep but missed the online event, the recording is now available.

In this lunchtime event, organised by the Vice-Presidency for Personnel Development and Leadership, we took a deep dive into the topic of sleep.

Sleep is the most important resource for our regeneration and gives us energy to fall back on every day. Well rested, we are more concentrated, happier, more motivated and therefore more productive and successful, both professionally and privately.

But although we spend almost a third of our lives in bed, we know very little about healthy sleep. That's why Dr. Martin Schlott, chief physician for anaesthesia and intensive care medicine, sleep coach and author of the book "Erfolgsfaktor Schlaf" ("Sleep as a Success Factor"), published in September 2021, gave us a lot of valuable background information about good and restful sleep.

A recording is now available for anyone who missed the online event.

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