"Mental health is the basis for success and well-being"

Being mentally healthy is important for all of us. After all, our mental health affects all aspects of our lives. To mark World Mental Health Day, Julia Dannath, Vice President for Personnel Development and Leadership, discusses the support services offered by ETH and explains what we each can do for our own well-being.

Julia Dannath, today is World Mental Health Day. Why is mental health an important topic, also at ETH?
Mental health plays an important role at ETH because everyday academic life is often mentally and emotionally demanding. When employees and students are mentally healthy, they are better able to deal with stress, stay motivated and contribute to a positive atmosphere. It is important to create an environment in which everyone feels comfortable and can develop their full potential. This is the basis for success and well-being.

Has the number of mental health problems at ETH increased?
Yes, unfortunately. Especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, we have noticed an increase in mental health problems among our employees and students. For example, in the 2021 ETH employee survey, the mental health rating fell to 78 points. This is five points lower than in the 2016 survey.

Is this development unique to ETH?
No, this is a general trend. Our results reflect developments that we also see in wider society: The Swiss Health Survey of 2022 showed that mental stress has increased significantly compared to the 2017 survey. We also see similar patterns among our students.

What is the situation for students?
According to the 2019 HowsETHgoing survey, in which around 6,400 students took part, around a quarter rate their own mental health as poor or fluctuating. This is also reflected in the Swiss Health Survey, particularly among young women aged between 15 and 24, who are more likely to suffer from stress and anxiety. The results of the 2024 HowsETHgoing survey will be published soon.

What is ETH doing to promote the mental health of its employees and students?
We take a holistic approach with low-threshold services, including psychological counselling for employees and students (see box). The online course "Spotting the Signs", which helps to recognise mental health problems at an early stage and provides support in overcoming them, will be launched soon. In addition, various courses promote well-being, such as the "Health lunchtime events" or the Respect programme, with new events starting in mid-October. We will also offer activities around mental health on the Day of Caring Relatives on 30 October. The "Suicide Prevention Network" strengthens the handling of people in crisis through education, early recognition and rapid assistance. Our aim is to recognise mental difficulties in good time and ensure that those affected receive support quickly. Depending on the severity of the problem, external therapy and treatment options may also be available.

What role do managers play in this process?
They play a very important role because they have a major influence on the well-being of their teams. That is why we at ETH attach great importance to social and leadership skills that promote well-being and inclusion. For example, there are feedback processes and leadership courses to prepare professors for their leadership role.

What can we do ourselves to improve our mental well-being?
It is important to know that each and every one of us can be susceptible to mental health problems – especially in times of crisis or when there is a lack of support. I encourage everyone to take advantage of the services offered by ETH, such as workshops or counselling. A healthy lifestyle with sufficient sleep, exercise and social interaction can also help to improve mental health to a certain extent.

Note on the translation

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