Developing a degree programme
The degree programme comprises the curriculum (qualification profile, range of courses with performance assessments) and the programme regulations with the admission stipulations.
The Unit for Teaching and Learning (UTL) unit will assist you in developing degree programmes through project management, working group leadership, workshop moderation, compiling of degree programme qualification profiles, and degree programme planning tools.
Orientation aid

Use this Download model to develop or revise the qualifation profile (DOCX, 42 KB) as a starting point for work on the curriculum.

This Download model (PDF, 101 KB) provides categories and verbs which will help you to formulate learning objectives at various levels of difficulty.

These Download Quality in teaching at ETH Zurich (PDF, 203 KB) serve as a set of guidelines for developing curricula and courses.

A Download compilation of non-specialist competences (PDF, 132 KB) [in German only] which may be important in discussing competence-oriented degree programmes.

Conscious selection of teaching scenarios can aid the acquisition of competences. Here is an Download overview (PDF, 74 KB).

Find out about the various forms of performance assessment at ETH Zurich.

Here you find reports about curriculum develpoment in practice at ETH Zurich. Interested parties may contact the persons involved directly for more details.
Abt. für Lehre und Lernen
Haldenbachstr. 44