
Do you have questions about construction emissions on the Hönggerberg campus? You can find the relevant contact persons here.

The photo shows the entire Hönggerberg campus from above.
Hönggerberg campus. (Photo: ETH Zurich / Alessandro Della Bella)

ETH Zurich is building a large part of the future space required for teaching and research on the Hönggerberg campus. Unfortunately, this is also associated with construction emissions.


ETH members

ETH members on the Hönggerberg campus can get in touch with Downloadcontact persons (PDF, 127 KB) in the departments, platforms and divisions if they have any questions or feedback on construction emissions.

These persons have been appointed to simplify the flow of information and are in close contact with the Real Estate Managment department.

Persons outside ETH

Residents and persons outside ETH Zurich can with questions and feedback.

Emissions monitoring

For planning and research purposes, ETH members have the possibility to access the emissions monitoring of the Hönggerberg campus. To apply for access, please contact Reto Grimm.



Real Estate Management department
  • Website

ETH Zurich
Binzmühlestrasse 130
8092 Zurich

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