Samuel Witzig

Samuel Witzig

Deputy head of ITS Educational IT Services

ETH Zürich

Abt. für Lehre und Lernen

OCT G 19

Binzmühlestrasse 130

8092 Zürich


Tasks / Specialist areas

  • IT-Operations Manager Moodle
  • Management of software development projects
  • Organisation of the ETH-wide LET-support
  • Member of the LET guidance team
  • LET-internal data analysis and reporting
  • Deputy group leader for IT services in teaching

About me

  • 2007: Lizenziat in Political Science, University of Zurich (minors: Constitutional Law, International Law)
  • 2009 to 2018: Responsible for e-learning applications, ZHAW, with focus on Moodle / Mahara
  • 2018 to 2022: Subject expert online examinations and IT operations manager examination Moodle at the LET
  • Since 2022: IT service manager and operations manager
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