IT Services
The Information Technology Services (ITS) department supports teaching, research and administrative units by providing services that are related to information and communication technology.
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The IT Services department reports to the Vice President for Infrastructure and Sutstainability.
ITS offers members of ETH Zurich high-quality, flexible and scalable IT services and therefore enables them to compete with the best universities in the world.
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- With our secure, efficient and high-quality IT infrastructure and services, as well as through our consulting, we contribute significantly to the success in research, teaching, knowledge and technology transfer.
- We think and act in an agile manner and develop or purchase demand-driven, modular solutions.
- We pursue technological innovations and apply them in a beneficial way for our customers. Where appropriate, we do this in cooperation with other universities and organizations.
- We use scale effects to provide an optimal basic service and develop tailor-made solutions for our customers in cooperative collaboration.
- We attract outstanding, highly-motivated employees and enhance their further development.
- We engage in professional exchange with the world's best universities and promote cooperation among the IT services of Swiss universities.

Dr Rui Brandao is the director of the department IT Services at ETH Zurich.
His deputy is Dordaneh Arangeh.
The Head Office is responsible for operational and staff supervision, as well as the controlling of the IT Services (ITS) global budget. It also supports the Director in the strategic development and management of the IT Services. It ensures the underlying conditions necessary for efficient and effective operation, as well as the further development of IT-infrastructure at ETH. The Head Office represents the IT Services to the higher authorities, departments, institutes and other universities as well as to suppliers. Furthermore, ITS management evaluates IT risks and proposes measures to reduce corresponding risks.
More about IT Services Strategy

Dimitrios Fazzone manages the section ITS Applications.
His deputy is Dr Matteo Corti.
The services of ITS Applications (ITS APPS) include e-mail, groupware (collaborative software solutions) as well as hosting of websites, databases and applications. The portfolio also includes design, implementation and further development of various systems (central operational information system, identity & access management, SAP ERP, web content management as well as solutions for Educational Development and Technology and the departments) of ETH Zurich. Other services include information technology support and the handling of software-related projects for the Executive Board, the departments and central administrative units. This may include SW system architecture, system integration, application and interface development as well as the implementation of IT projects (according to appropriate agreements).
Groups and employees

Dordaneh Arangeh manages the section ITS Corporate Centre.
Her deputy is Paul Signer.
The section ITS Corporate Centre (ITS CCR) provides ETH Zurich-wide support in IT procurement & compliance, software asset management (SAM), contract and supplier management in the area of IT goods & services. CCR is responsible for the IT Service Catalogue, Service Management Office (SMO) and Business Relationship Office (BRO). Another area of responsibility is project management, including the Project Management Office. The Corporate Centre is also responsible for the Cloud Service Center, IT Finance & Controlling, IT Quality Management (QM), IT Training and the IT Training Lab.
Groups and employees

Dr Miroslav Kobas manages the section ITS Costumer Experience and Solutions. His deputy is Mark Buschor.
The section ITS Customer Experience and Solutions (ITS CxS) is responsible for user support and IT workstation management in research departments, the central administrative units and at ETH-related units. In addition, CxS manages the central computer workspaces, is responsible for the IT infrastructure of online examinations and operates the multifunction printers at ETH. The Service Desk as well as client engineering (Windows, macOS and Linux) complete the portfolio of tasks. CxS is in direct contact with students and IT users in the various academic and administrative areas. It is the point of contact for all operational IT matters, answers questions and solves problems itself if possible or forwards them to the appropriate specialist departments.
Groups and employees

Dr Armin Wittmann manages the section ITS Infrastructure.
His deputy is Pius Baumann.
The section ITS Infrastructure (ITS INFRA) is responsible for the the data and voice networks of ETH Zurich as well as for the planning, installation and their maintenance. It is also responsible for services in the areas of storage, data backup and archiving, as well as servers, including the provisioning, setup and management of the virtualisation infrastructure. In the area of audio and video, INFRA's portfolio includes the audiovisual infrastructure in lecture halls and seminar rooms, the equipment lending pool, and live streaming and recording of lectures and events. It produces videos in various formats (image film, documentaries, teaching/learning videos, tutorials) on site or in the ETH video studio and operates the ETH Zurich video portal. The video conferencing service supports cross-site communication and collaboration, both in specially equipped rooms and at the workplace.
Groups and employees
- chevron_right Section assistants
- chevron_right Network Installations and Planning
- chevron_right Data Networks
- chevron_right Network Applications
- chevron_right Voice Networks
- chevron_right Server
- chevron_right Storage
- chevron_right Multimedia Technologies
- chevron_right Multimedia Production
- chevron_right IT Infrastructure Architect
- chevron_right Project "Hindernisfreie ETH (hifrETH)"

Dr Bernd Rinn manages the section ITS Scientific IT Services.
His deputy is Dr Thomas Wüst.
The section ITS Scientific IT Services (ITS SIS) provides research-related IT services for computationally and data-intensive research at ETH Zurich. SIS offers a broad portfolio of services that has been developed and refined together with its scientific customers. The portfolio includes resources for scientific computing (HPC), as well as services for scientific data management (including LIMS and ELN functionalities). SIS provides advice and support on scientific computing, software and data management, as well as data science methods, and offers training on these topics. SIS provides a secure data platform for working with strictly confidential research data and helps - by individual agreement - with the creation, adaptation and optimisation of scientific software, as well as its integration into workflows for data acquisition and evaluation.
Groups and employees

Dr Thomas Piendl manages the section ITS Educational IT Services.
His deputy is Flavio Steger.
The ITS Educational IT Service (ITS EDU) section at ETH Zurich facilitates modern and impactful learning, along with fostering innovative teaching. We offer a tailored portfolio of tools, services, and support for enhancing teaching and learning. Our comprehensive portfolio provides lecturers and students with resources spanning the entire spectrum of higher education pedagogy, from learning objectives to learning activities, teaching, examinations, and finally evaluations.
Our portfolio includes:
- The operation and further development of the central Learning Management System of ETH.
- A smartphone application for enhancing interaction in classroom teaching.
- The operation and further development of general purpose as well as subject-specific learning and examination environments.
- Supervision and support of various digital examination scenarios.
- Specific software development in the field of higher education teaching and learning.
- Student evaluation of courses and examinations.
The tools in our portfolio are integrated into eDoz (lecturer portal) and myStudies (student portal), as well as into the electronic course catalogue, the digital semester apparatus, and the administrative processes and tools within ETH’s teaching, examination, and evaluation domain.
Our portfolio provides lecturers with innovative tools to craft engaging digital learning environments of high pedagogical quality. These environments facilitate effective learning and sustainable study practices, thereby enabling our students to thrive in an ever-evolving digital world.

Johannes Hadodo is the CISO of ETH Zurich and manages the section Cyber and Information Security. His deputy is Thomas Richter.
The Cyber and Information Security Section (CISEC) plays a crucial role in protecting ETH Zurich from potential threats and attacks.
In addition to developing and implementing security policies, the CISEC section monitors the IT infrastructure and IT applications for potential security risks, organises security awareness campaigns, responds to cyber-attacks against ETH Zurich and conducts IT security audits. As the point of contact for questions relating to information security and IT security, the CISEC section works closely with the Information Security Officers (ISO) and other entities to ensure cyber and information security at ETH.
The CISEC section is also active in the evaluation and implementation of new technologies and methods for the proactive detection and defence of cyber threats against ETH Zurich. Through close partnerships with other institutions and security authorities, CISEC exchanges information on current threats and develops joint defence strategies.
The CISEC section manages ETH Zurich's Information Security Management System (ISMS) and prepares the information security strategy as well as ETH-wide reporting on the status of cyber and information security for the attention of the Executive Board.
The Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) heads the section and reports to the ETH Zurich Secretary General on governance issues, regulations, exemptions and audits.
The main offices of the IT services are found in the Octavo building (OCT) in Oerlikon. Other ITS offices are located in the central campus area or on the Hönggerberg campus.
The ITS Service Desk is located in the main building (HG E11) on the Centrum campus.

Binzmühlestrasse 130
8092 Zürich