Reconciling Family Life and Work/Studies

ETH Zurich considers itself to be an institution and employer offering its members adequate balance between studies and career, on the one hand, and care duties, on the other hand. It is ETH Zurich’s strategical aim to further improve possibilities for reconciliation within the next years.

Enlarged view: Vater Mutter Kind

Parenthood at ETH Zürich
Adapted from Wilhelm Busch: becoming a scientist is not difficult, simultaneously being a parent, however, very.  Information and tips for better reconciliation of work and care duties.

Enlarged view: Robert Gnehm Grant

Robert Gnehm Grants
Financial support for conference attendance and short research stays as well as specific business trips/further education of doctoral and postdoctoral students and administrative-technical staff  with young children.

Enlarged view: Kinderturnveranstaltung an der ETH

Events for parents
ETH Zurich is organising events for ETH members with caregiving responsibilities.

Enlarged view: Sprechen an der ETH

Members of ETH Zurich have access to a wide range of counselling centres, offering support for individual solutions regarding reconciliation.

Family rooms at ETH

Family rooms at ETH Zurich
Family rooms can be used by parents who want to bring their children to the workplace under their own supervision.  

Enlarged view: The ALEA Award

The ALEA Award - The Art of Leadership Award
The ALEA Award honours ETH members with an exemplary leadership style. The prize is awarded by AVETH in cooperation with VPPL.

Counselling support to reconcile work, studies and family life

ETH Zurich offers free coaching and advice to help employees and students balance their work, family life and studies. Parents with children or relatives requiring care can benefit from up to two coaching or counselling cycles at the Fachstelle UND (Competence center for reconciliation of work and family/private life). More information

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